We love Vacation Bible School at Silvertown Baptist Church. This year, our VBS will look a little bit different—just like everything else. We’re partnering with WOW VBS to offer some summer fun and good news during a strange time in all our lives.
VBS 2020 will be a virtual event with online videos that you can access through Facebook each day from June 29 to July 2. Craft and activity bags will be provided for delivery or pick up on June 28.
Click for full details and to register for participant materials.
We love Vacation Bible School at Silvertown Baptist Church. This year, our VBS will look a little different—just not as different as last year. We’re partnering with Valley Grove to offer the summer fun and good news of VBS.
VBS 2021 will be an in-person event on our campus.
Click above for full details and to register your participants.