contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

Send a prayer request, update us on some news you want to share, ask a question, whatever!

300 W Goodrich Ave
Thomaston, GA, 30286

(706) 647-4844

A Southern Baptist church prominently located in the West Village area of the Silvertown community of Thomaston, GA.

Silvertown Baptist Church is voluntarily affiliated with the Centennial Baptist Association, the Georgia Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention.

We host a free community soup kitchen every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

Sermon Archive

Sermon video and audio of Pastor Paul E. Caspers and special guests preaching to Silvertown Baptist Church of Thomaston, GA. Video posts contain links to the sermon videos on Vimeo. Audio posts will have the audio files embedded directly in them.

Click HERE to go to our recent videos on YouTube OR click HERE to go to our older videos on Vimeo.

Vimeo changed the terms for free accounts a while back, and we had reached far beyond our limit.

We were uploading new content through YouTube and transitioning past content there as well, but that’s halted for now.

We're currently streaming services through Facebook Live and recent services can be found through our Facebook Page.

We hope to soon get back to posting on YouTube as well as working toward embedding videos here for easier navigation.